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Nutrition Tips
Chances are good that you have suffered from—or are currently suffering from—digestive problems. While your current bought of stomach pain could be entirely due to holiday overeating, digestive problems are actually the most common condition reported to General Practitioners. While there are a number of reasons why you could be suffering from digestive issues—including eating too...
Sometimes an article comes along that’s just too good not to share—and this one from Dr. Mark Hyman is proof of that. A MD who practices functional medicine, (which is when you treat the cause of the problem not just the symptoms) Dr. Hyman is one the most inspirational people I’ve come across when it comes to...
Being healthy is not just about diet and exercise, it’s about the whole picture – so it’s important that you are taking care of your mind and spirit as well as your body. You could be eating the healthiest diet in the world and working out everyday, but if you’re not happy with your life,...
Nutrition tip for the week: Eat your FATS!   Not all fats are bad fats – you just need to know the difference between the fats that you need, and the fats that you don’t. Fats are one of the most important things in your diet, but it’s important that you consume the right kind of...
It’s no secret that what you put in your body has a huge effect on your health and the way that you feel. But what may be news to you is which foods you should eat on the regular to help you feel great. When it comes to your health, the name of the game is antioxidants....
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