Richmond: 604.271.7181
Vancouver: 604.605.1550


Side Planks are the bee’s knees. Why? For starters… you can do them anywhere and they’re excellent for oblique activation, hip stability, and training the frontal plane which is often overlooked in a lot of strength programs. The catch? It’s easy to complete this exercise without actually using the right muscles. I often hear people complain about how hard their...
Squats are an exercise I used to hate. Although I still don’t feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I think about doing them, I have since moved onto a love/hate relationship with the exercise – which I hope eventually turns into a hate-free one. Though I am sceptical that’s going to happen… I digress....
The REVERSE LUNGE TO BALANCE is a great progression from a regular lunge. However before you progress to this lunge pattern, please make sure you are performing the basics well first. To help you nail them down, check out my post on how to lunge properly and learn how to achieve the best lunge form possible. With...
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