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Your side bum matters. Your gluteus medius (aka your “side bum”) is a key muscle that helps to stabilize your pelvis during standing and walking. Its function is also imperative for knee stability, low back injury prevention and rehab. The trouble is the gluteus medius tends to be a tricky muscle to engage, and is...
This post is a sequel to a blog post that I wrote last year entitled: 19 Exercises to Tone and Strengthen Your Glutes. Your glutes are the largest, yet often most underused, muscle in your body. To quote Dan John, you are “sitting on a goldmine” and may not even know it. The inability to contract or activate...
Your glutes are the largest muscle group in your body—with arguably some of the greatest potential. Despite that however our glutes are often the most under used muscle group in our body. If you currently have glute exercises programmed into your workouts, you’re already doing great. But one key thing to keep in mind is type of glute exercises you’re...
You can read about why having a strong glutes is important here and here, but this post is all about the glute maximus’ little brother, the glute medius. The gluteus medius muscle is an important, yet often overlooked muscle in many training programs. Strong glute meds are essential for lateral hip stability. They also play a major role in lower extremity...
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