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If you’re looking to build size or muscular endurance, tempo training should be on your radar. To put it simply, tempo training is when you complete an exercise (squats, deadlifts, push ups, bench press, rows, lat pulldowns, etc.) at a constant slow to moderate pace. This slower pace keeps the muscles under tension for longer...
Being aware of how you breathe while exercising is extremely important, especially when lifting. The simple act of changing how you breathe will help you get more out of your lifts. One particular method of breathing, the valsalva maneuver, can play a substantial role in the lifting process and ultimately help you improve your strength....
If you’re looking for ways to improve your squat strength without actually having to do more squats, integrating the low-setting trap bar deadlift into a 4-week training block is a great way to do it. This may seem a little counter-intuitive because of the “deadlift” label, but trust me, it works. Here’s why… The position of your body...
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